For those of you that don´t live in Sweden, the whole country has since about the middle of december had a REAL winter. First one in several years- it usually just rains here and is really windy on the west coast but now it´s been Freezing! At it´s coldest it´s been -15/16 C but the average temp has been about -6 or 7 I think.
We´ve had snow for about a month now and just these past days it just hasn´t stopped snowing… and caused quite a chaos!
Can´t wait to dig my car out this weekend… Not!!
Oh well.. I guess we shouldn´t complain. It is kind of pretty.. and soo much better than rain. But it does cause some serious problems for people trying to transport themselves from one place to another. And I for one am sick of not being able to wear “normal” shoes, having to wear double pants, wool socks, bring a change of shoes to work every day… ETC.
On the bright side: MAN, are we all going to be happy when this all melts and the Spring is here!! 🙂