Christmas time again… Wow, this year flashed by almost even faster than the previous ones!
Yet again I´m spending X-mas at my mom´s house in Varberg with her boyfriend Ulf (as seen in the picture above)
and his daughter Rina,

and then me 🙂 Enjoying some black currant snaps 😛
Well ok, it´s Rina, who as a favour to some friends dresses up every year and delivers x-mas gifts to their kids. She really enjoys it! 🙂
I always enjoy Christmas and being with the people I care about but the season also has a bit of a sad side to it… Like the fact that my dad´s not here…
And this may sound strange but I´ve even felt a bit lonely this year.. Still not having found that one special guy…. Who I know is out there somewhere… 🙂
Ah, never mind, I think I just need to get back home to Gbg where I don´t have all this time on my hands to think so much!! 😉 Looks like mom, Ulf and I will be heading up tomorrow to join my uncle and his family for lunch.
So I´ll be in town Saturday evening.. who wants to play?? 😉
Åh lilla Fia…. Jag vet precis vad du menar när du skriver om den "ensamma" delen. Även då jag inte firar jul så har jag ändå många minnen av min mamma och resten av familjen, och det är klart att man alltid kommer att sakna…. Tusen kramar till stans snyggaste singel!
Massa kramar tillbaka till stans snyggaste morsa! 😉